Not able to find answers to your questions? Please review our list of frequently asked questions. If you’re still not able to find what you’re looking for contact us!
When was Sunflower Mission founded?
We were founded in 2002 through the collective effort of several current and past Board of Director and Advisor members. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in the U.S. We comply with all laws and requirements as put forth by local and federal authorities.
What does Sunflower Mission do?
We believe that education is the key to allowing the destitute children of Vietnam to control their fate and lift themselves out of poverty. By making education accessible to the children, we make significant improvements in their lives and in the communities we serve. Sunflower Mission provides the opportunity for both our children and international volunteers to make a difference, practice leadership skills, and develop a global perspective that will mold them into the leaders of tomorrow. We strive to provide these opportunities through our four programs. We do not engage in political or religious activities.
Why does Sunflower Mission do what they do?
After witnessing the conditions of the educational facilities (or lack thereof), experiencing the cycle of poverty and hopelessness that the children of rural Vietnam face, and acknowledging the fact that without help, thousands of children will fall into lives of crime, abuse, and human trafficking, the founders of Sunflower Mission felt they had to take substantial action. Sunflower Mission was formed for the sole purpose of providing opportunities for these children. By providing the means to a basic education, the doors are open for them to have a dignified and productive future.
Where does my money go?
We focus on providing educational tools to students in Vietnam. We are very proud to say that at least 97 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to our four programs: school building, scholarships, and work camp. Our current average for the first 12 years of operation is 99.17%. Sunflower Mission’s hands-on approach to providing school facilities and learning materials to the rural areas of Vietnam, as well as awarding financial aid and support to high-potential but high-need students, ensures that funds are directed to the intended targets.
We achieve high rates of graduation from our elementary and high school students. We form strong and trusting bonds within the local community, students, and educators we serve in Vietnam.
You can find our annual reports, here, this yearly publication contains all of our financials.
How can I get involved?
We encourage anyone who wants to engage with Sunflower Mission to sign-up for our e-mail newsletters. We are no longer using a paid-membership model. We also encourage those, who are able, to attend our social and fundraising events. We send information and invites for these events through our e-mail newsletter, so please sign up.
Another way you can get involved is to come up with your own fundraising event. This is especially important to our work. We have supporters around the world that fundraise by hosting car washes, bake sales, lemonade stands, fun walks, chess tournaments, or donating the funds received for their professional work/hobbies. We often feature these efforts in our annual report and want to continue this tradition on our new website!
Is there a way that school-aged children can participate?
Absolutely! Sunflower Mission has a youth group called SEEDS (students expanding education by donating services). SEEDS consist of school aged students (1st – 12th) and they work closely with Sunflower Mission. Contact us if you would like more information about SEEDS.
How does Sunflower Mission help bring educational opportunities to children in Vietnam?
Sunflower Mission brings resources to the communities through our three main programs: scholarships, school buildings, and our work camp. You can read more about our work here and in the questions below!
What kind of scholarships do you award?
You can find out all about our scholarship programs here.
How and where are schools built?
We build schools based on need along with other requirements. Schools are built using construction techniques that ensure quality as well as cost-effectiveness. Learn more about our school building program here.
Can you tell me more about the Work Camp?
Our work camp is an opportunity for our supporters to travel to Vietnam as a group to see, hear, and experience all of our work, first-hand. Get details about Work Camp here.